Thursday, 27 June 2013

C4 Dating Season

I hope you've managed to catch some of the programs being shown in the C4 Dating Season, which is currently showing.

Here's a link to the Channel 4 mating mini site

Some dramas, some documentary, but all really well done and interesting and entertaining, especially if you are looking to date or are dating, (which I presume you are if you are reading this!)

And you can always use catch up on your pc if you've missed them!

Boy Meets Girl

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Tips For Online Dating

Susan Quilliam's online dating tips

'Dating online can be a challenge. It's a new way of looking for love, so we're all still learning how to work it' – Susan Quilliam, who takes part in the programme.
1. Be ready to date. If you're not over a previous relationship or anxious and demotivated about going online, you'll self-sabotage. Wait until you're emotionally available, confident in yourself, ready to put in time and energy.
2. Decide what you want first. The site you use, your profile and photo all need to be chosen to suit the partner and partnership you're looking for. So before you ever go online, think carefully through your wants, needs, deal breakers.
3. Ignore the numbers. No site – however huge their database – will bring you results if the site users aren't your kind of people. Plus, the ones with big memberships can overwhelm you with numbers. Instead, trawl sites to find one you personally identify with.
4. Don't sell – invite. Writing your profile shouldn't be a marketing exercise. In fact, research suggests the more you major on "I", the more you'll actively put people off. Instead, welcome in prospective partners by writing warmly about the relationship you'd love to have with them.
5. Choose a welcoming photo not a mug shot. Get a friend or a professional photographer to take hundreds of photos of you smiling and laughing. Then choose the ones where you look the most relaxed and approachable.
6. Don't go shopping. Studies suggest that, when faced with too much choice in partners, we make decisions on irrelevant criteria, such as whether someone wears glasses. Instead, decide who to approach based on whether their profile lets you imagine having a good relationship with them.
7. Get real – and get real early. Don't fall for the spell of email and text - feeling close online says nothing about whether you're compatible in real life. So talk on the phone and meet up as soon as you possibly can.
8. Tell the truth. Most folk on dating sites are genuinely looking for love – if they're not, they go to 'hook-up' or 'married' sites. But many people are also insecure, so tweak age, height or weight to make a good impression. It works best to be truthful – anything else creates a false start to love.
9. Don't expect instant success. In everyday life you may meet hundreds of people at work, socially or by chance before you find someone to date. The same's true online – it can take months of regular searching before you find a match.
10. Ignore bad behaviour. Because online dating's so new, we haven't worked out the courtesies: for example, many people don't respond to approaches made to them. So if you get snubbed, rejected or dumped, ignore it; not your fault.
11. Get support. Find a dating buddy, someone to help you through the tricky stages, support you through disappointment, celebrate your success.
About Susan Quilliam
Susan Quilliam's work in this field spans coaching, writing, broadcasting, training and consulting. Her background is in psychology and counselling.
More tips from Susan Quilliam on her Online Dating Coach website.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

New TV Series Pregnant And Dating

Haven't seen this yet, so I'll let you make your own minds up! Comments appreciated!!

WE tv's New Original Series "Pregnant & Dating" Premieres Saturday, June 1 at 9PM ET/PT
Kiesha, Shana, Melissa, Megan and Rachel all have one special thing in common: each of them is expecting a baby and realize the search for true love won't wait nine months.

[via press release from WE tv]
Not even pregnancy will keep these women "out of the game"

New York - April 22, 2013 - In WE tv's Pregnant & Dating, premiering Saturday, June 1 at 9 pm ET/PT, five fiercely independent women go on the hunt for a partner who isn't scared off by the idea of an "instant family." Kiesha, Shana, Melissa, Megan and Rachel all have one special thing in common: each of them is expecting a baby and realize the search for true love won't wait nine months.
Traditionally, love is followed by marriage and then along comes motherhood, but in this fresh new original series, viewers join these fearless five as they experience the modern day dating game with a baby on board. During each hour-long installment, the spotlight will be on all the drama, conflict and inherent comedy that ensues when these very spirited and single moms-to-be embark on their quest to find Mr. Right, or at least Mr. Right Now. Some have the support of friends and family - others haven't even shared their happy news. But whether their pregnancy was planned or unplanned, these take-charge mothers-to-be laugh at convention and aren't going to miss a beat on their quest to have it all.
This season on Pregnant & Dating, viewers will be introduced to Kiesha, a successful R&B producer from Los Angeles, CA, whose baby daddy is "just a friend" and has no idea she's pregnant - and she's keeping her secret, for now; model and three-time Miss Hawaiian Tropic winner, Shana, a NC native, is pregnant at the same time as her married BFFs-together, the trio is on the hunt to find her a "good" man; Melissa, a Los Angeles based celebrity stylist who's worked with ultra-glamorous clients like Shakira and Britney Spears, is truly excited about her latest accessory: a baby bump. However Melissa, who always wanted a child and even tried artificial insemination, is coping with the fact that her ex-boyfriend has chosen to jet around the world with another woman instead of being there for the birth; Nail technician, Megan, of Orange County, CA, who found herself "with child" after too much tequila - the father wants to be involved, but her preference is to go at it alone; and Los Angeles television producer, Rachel who is pregnant with twins by her much younger ex-boyfriend.
Refusing to accept stereotypes, these women thoughtfully manage a combination of active hormones, overbearing families, inattentive fathers-to-be and a slew of dates both rocky and redeeming, as they put together their most modern of families.
Learn more on

 Hunting for Mr Right: Pregnant & Dating, which is set to air on WE tv on June 1, focuses on five single moms-to-be who are on the lookout for love (pictured from left Kiesha, Rachel, Shana)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Internet Dating Advice

Always worth reminding yourself about the do's and don'ts when setting up an internet dating profile. Here's some ideas from Single Dad.

Now go set up your profile HERE!

Monday, 10 June 2013

Three Really Important Online Dating Tips!

1) Follow important online dating safety tips.

From the time you sign up for a service through the time you meet on a date, it's important to be safe. Read Online Dating Magazine's Online Dating Safety Tips article for specific things you should and shouldn't do. In a nutshell: never give out too much personal information; never give a home phone number; always meet in a public place for the first date; ask for a recent photo (or how old posted photos are); and trust your gut instinct. Read the article for more safety tips and full descriptions.

2) Build a winning profile.

Your profile is one of the two key elements that will determine if a person emails you on an online dating service (the other is photo - see next tip). Thus it's important to make sure that your profile is lively, fun, and positive. Avoid negatives (I'm lonely, I can't believe I'm doing this) at all costs. Examine other profiles and determine what about it makes you more interested or less interested. Read Online Dating Magazine's Profile Tips article for more advice. If a person finds your profile interesting and not generic then you have increased your chances of someone showing interest in you. Make yours interesting!

3) Post great recent photos.

Face it - when doing a search on an online dating service the first thing that grabs your attention is the photo. This is the single most important element to getting people to view that great profile you've written (see last tip). These days, generic photos won't cut it. You need to determine what colours look best on you, dress nice, be clean cut, and have someone take various photos of you that are fun and lively. When I changed my photo from a posed shot to a shot of me with an Orangutan, the number of people emailing me or showing an interest quadrupled. It also provided a great ice breaker and talking point when someone emailed me. Read Online Dating Magazine's Creating a Better Online Dating Photo article for some excellent tips.

Single Mums Single Dads

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Dating - Just Where Do You Start?

There is a theory that there is the perfect partner for everyone. I believe it totally and it’s not just my romantic side talking. Well if there are over 6 billion people in the world then the odds seem pretty good. So taking this rough figure of 6 billion and assuming it’s an equal split of men and women then that leaves 3 billion men to go through. Now even I know there aren’t enough hours in the day to cover that one. So removing a billion for the ones that are two young and then another billion for the ones too old, I estimate I have a billion to work through. Now like every other woman out there I have a list of like and dislikes on my Mr. Right credentials list. Now even with my sub standard mathematician brain I can work out that even deleting all those who don’t cut it on the credentials list I am still left with a high number of potential candidates. This doesn’t though take into account that there are constant changing variables. What I thought of as Mr Right 10 and even 5 years ago is very different to what I want now. I have changed. We all do its natural. I have grown older, my body is less forgiving, and my requirements have changed. Be it from outside influences or by natural growth and change from life. Each time I have dated and its not worked out I have learnt what I do and don’t want from a relationship.
Now its all very well have the safe knowledge that Mr Right is out there, Mother Nature wasn’t to kind to give him a map to my door. But this is a good thing. If he landed on my door in the early years, how would I know what I actually want in a man? I wouldn’t have experienced the good and the bad times that make me what I am today. How would I be able to comfort my children as they grow and learn about broken hearts if I hadn’t had my fair share? Half the fun when you go out of an evening is the getting ready. So should half the fun be in the finding of Mr Right. And considering how long it takes me to get ready to go out, I will probably find him when I have retired and pushing a Zimmer frame. To find Mr Right I have to be findable. If I wait for him to walk past my house then I might as well not bother. Online Dating here I come.
Online Dating for Parents

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