Saturday, 30 March 2013

Kissing Is Good For You!

Singles beware! Not only does marriage reportedly reduce the risk of heart attacks, as Finnish scientists noted earlier this year, but kissing is also great for your health.
According to our partners in the US, a simple embrace increases levels of the "love hormone" called oxytocin, which has been linked to social bonding, and the BBC has previously reported that a brief hug can have a calming effect, particularly on women.
This year, an American study also found that 'baby boomers' with long-term partners were less likely to die prematurely, than their single counterparts.
Individuals who never married were more than twice as likely to die early than those who had been in a long-term, stable relationships, concluded researchers from Duke University Medical Center.
The survey analysed results taken from more than 4,800 people born during the 1940's, and found that being single or without a consistent partner during middle age increased the likelihood of early mortality, irrespective of socio-economic factors.

So find your perfect partner with us and enjoy a longer, happier life!!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Introducing Your Children to Your New Love

You've been through a hard divorce and recovery. You've met someone and want to start dating. You want desperately to have a social life again that isn't centred on parents and children. And yes, you wouldn't mind a little love and intimacy after what seems like forever. But then there's the effect on the kids. You feel torn between your own wants and needs and your concerns about how the kids will react to a new person in your life. What's the best way to bring them all together?
There are no hard and fast rules, of course, but some approaches do work better than others. Parents who manage the transition well often follow these basic guidelines.
1) First, remember that children don't recover from change with the same timing that you do. Unless things were so bad that there was regular discussion of divorce, the kids have had less time than you did to adjust to the idea. You and your ex probably spent months making a decision before you told the children. Even if they thought something might be up, the announcement was new to them the day you made it. In addition, their relationship with their other parent or parent-figure is different from yours. There are many people who are lousy partners but still decent parents. You can't expect your kids to be ready for someone new just because you are.
2) Slow down. You can and should take the time to really get to know someone before involving the children. It's simply not fair to ask them to fold someone into their lives, only to have him or her disappear a few months later when you discover it's not going to work out.
3) Shared custody can make things easier. While you get to know your new love, schedule your dates when your kids are with the other parent. This gives you the privacy you need to develop a relationship and to become more intimate without getting the kids involved. If your ex has dropped out of the picture, schedule your dates when the kids are at an after school program or a Saturday event. Another option is to trade off "play dates" with another parent to give yourself social time.
4) Once you've decided that the person you are dating is "the one", by all means do the introductions. But do take it slow. Don't make the first encounter happen over breakfast after a sleep-over. Take the time to include kids and your new love on outings the kids will enjoy. A few trips to the playground, a hike or two, visits to the children's museum, a library or a local kid attraction will give both parties a low-key way to get to know each other. Make sure you give your children the attention they are accustomed to getting from you even while you are all together and that your date puts the kids' needs first. This isn't the adults' "date". It's the kids' time to warm up to this new person in your life.
5) Only bring someone home overnight if you are pretty certain this relationship is going to stick. Evidence of your sexual involvement can be confusing to young kids and embarrassing to older ones. The need to respect your closed door is a new level of intimacy for everyone, not just the adults. Once that line is crossed, it will be much harder for the children to understand and adjust if you call the relationship off. Further, it's very important to be clear about your values about sex outside marriage. Children do learn what they live.
It's difficult to be so measured and thoughtful about children's needs if you are excited about a new person, especially if you've been lonely for adult company for some time. But taking the time is worth it. When the children have had the opportunity to develop their own relationship with your new love, there will be far less conflict later on.
Follow Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D. on Twitter:

Monday, 25 March 2013

How To Look Good In Lingerie, the Helena Christensen way

The Knowledge: Helena Christensen on how to look good in lingerie

Looking fabulous is what model Helena Christensen does for a living. But she also has great tips for the rest of us.
Your new ritual
Lingerie is the first thing you put on at the start of the day, so you should make it a lovely little moment that makes you smile. Getting ready in the morning is a nice ritual, and if you do have a little extra time, try to make the most of it. I love the Middle Eastern traditions of cleansing yourself, applying body oils and really indulging. It may sound over the top, but try lighting a candle in the morning while getting ready, whether you have five minutes or 50 minutes. Even if you can only manage it once a week, there's something about the scent and the low flickering light that's good for early starts. It means that, whatever else happens in the day, at least you had a nice beginning.
Comfort is key
One of the main things when looking for lingerie is actually finding something that works for your shape. Try it on in the shop and make sure it's comfortable. Both shape and comfort are crucial. You can buy something really fancy with intricate detailing and nice lace but you still need to feel as though it accentuates the right places of your body and that it feels good to wear, which is why I prefer non-wired bras. You never want to feel as if you're wearing restrictive lingerie; it should just feel nice and give you a good silhouette.
A new hue
Many women hold themselves back from colours beyond black and nude as they don't think they'll look good on them. I think coloured lingerie is brilliant. Also, many lingerie straps are just elastic and really boring, even when the cups are nice. So try different colours and keep an eye out for quality straps, as I find I quite like it when a little bra strap is on show. It's a shame they're always so hidden.
No more matchy-matchy
I never really match my lingerie sets - or my socks, for that matter. I never have the time and always think, 'Why does it have to match?' It's actually inspiring to mix pieces, and nothing is ever clean at the same time anyway. Look for lingerie sets that would be good to mix and match, rather than wearing designer pieces from top to toe, which can feel quite strict and corporate. They're beautiful, but as soon as I mix them with other pieces it immediately makes me feel more relaxed.
Sensual, not sexy
I never want to look 'sexy' in my underwear - and if you do have someone in your life, isn't it better to look pretty and sensual than sexy? I like vintage lingerie. In my eyes, soft, faded colours and pretty shapes are definitely more appealing than your typically sexy red lingerie set. And, of course, once you have got the lingerie set sorted, it's all about having a confident attitude.
The Helena Christensen for Triumph lingerie collection is out now ( )

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Your Dating CV: How To Sell Yourself

Have you ever wondered how to boost your online dating profile? Or why you end up with the same type of person on the same old dates? Perhaps you need to create a dating CV. This can help you realise where you are going wrong, what your best attributes are, and how to achieve dating success.
A dating CV can also save you a lot of heartache if you have never tried online dating, speed dating or blind dates before.
Just like a professional CV, a dating CV should be made up of the following elements: basic details such as age (both your own and that of your ideal companion), and address (or rather the 'catchment area' for potential dates - how far from home are you willing to cast your net?).
You should also include a dating history; who you've dated, what years (to – from), their best and worst qualities, and a summary title: Mr Never-again, Lord Love-of-your-life. You can also add in the reason why you broke up if you want to remember why certain types of people are unsuitable.
The CV must also include additional skills that you have outlining how fabulous you really are (maybe you're great with kids?), and any courses you have undertaken. That could be, for example, IT, photography, a foreign language, pole dancing - anything you think is worth mentioning.
Also include a section about education. Are you looking for a partner who has, for example, a graduate education? Similarly work: do you want a partner who has an interesting job, or is well paid, or does something worthwhile? Think hard and be honest with yourself.
In dating CVs as in professional ones, people tend to add in little white lies such as “I am a master of Italian cuisine”, when they mean "I can bake a frozen pizza for 30 minutes without burning it". This is worth avoiding: the odds are you'll get found out.
After creating your dating CV get a friend to look over it: in professional life you would never send your CV out without getting someone to check it first, and the same goes for this.
Once this is completed, re-write your online dating profiles to include the things you have learned about yourself and your ideal partner. Hopefully, you'll find that your search will be easier, and the responses will come quicker.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Understanding Women Part 3

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Sex, Dating and the Over 50's

A new survey reveals that women over 50 enjoy as much sex as those in their 20's!

They were also nearly as likely to use dating websites, with 11 per cent going online to meet a new partner compared to 15 per cent of women in their 20's.

Barriers are being broken! Join in the fun!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Single Mum? Feeling Guilty?

ALL mothers feel overwhelmed at times. This inevitably leads to guilt... why can't I handle this? What's wrong with me? Why can't I be loving and patient 100% of the time?

Because you're human. And you're definitely not the first person to feel this way. Many single moms have this inherent belief that they must be everything to everyone. Why prop yourself up against an unattainable benchmark? Do what you can do - you're accomplishing more than you know.

"Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted." - Garrison Keillor

"A three-year-old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm." - Bill Vaughn

"Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." - Anne Frank

Monday, 11 March 2013

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Don't Forget Mother's Day!

A gentle reminder!

Don't forget Mother's Day this Sunday, even if it's just a call to tell your Mum how much you love her.

And flowers or chocies wouldn't go amiss either!